Tuesday, February 8, 2011

First Post

Greetings void of cyberspace. This is my first post, maybe someone will even read it. My goal with this blog is to update the world on my day to day life, the day to day life of a university student managing school, a job, Theater and just life in general. All the while, pondering some of life's mystery's, great people, new discoveries and whatever oddities I happen to dream up. My hope is to be entertaining to whoever may stumble across this place.

Like my profile says, I'm a student of the sciences, animal science to be more exact. I do enjoy my field of study, however I like to consider myself more rounded than just that. I am an aquaculture minor...yes, that's right...aquaculture..for those of you who are not familiar its a lot like farming on the water. Essentially people using methods to culture fish, shellfish and or micro or macro algae for human food or food products. Its a rather interesting area of study, and there is current research into many aspects of the field, from finfish nutrition, to algal culture methods. My institution provides a pretty good program for any aspiring aquaculturalists or those who wish to conduct aquaculture research, however I feel the need to highlight a rather grave error on the part of the school. When hiring a professor to teach students first year to fourth year introductory courses in shellfish production DON'T HIRE A NUT JOB!....there I said it...absolute crazy person..The programs other professors are amazing...however the school made the mistake of hiring someone whom actually has no idea what the hell is going on 99.9% of the time. Today I learned how that came about. It seems that the department of fisheries and oceans approached the college some years ago and offered to pay this professors first year wages if the school would allow her to teach. The school agreed...FOOLS! It has been close to ten years now since this lady came to teach here...and as far back as I can go when I question people it has been the same..."Yup...that's Cathey" they say or they just shake their heads.

Now, please allow me to clear something up...this woman is not stupid. There is actually something going on with her mental state. She sometimes starts to make sense when teaching a lecture...and then completely goes off in another direction, leaving the whole class to be like..."umm..what?", Or stops mid sentence, stares at the ceiling looking lost and licking her lips like she is about to have a stroke. So mostly we sit, smile and nod. It just boggles my mind that the institution can turn a blind eye to this incompetence, whether it is the professors fault or not when people are PAYING good money to take these courses. However as you will see I'm sure in my future posts, this institution does not make choices which always make sense..in fact, 9 times out of 10 I have no idea why they do things the way they do them. Ah well, you can be the judge as I am sure I will get the opportunity to share more rants, and details of life at my college.

Until next time. I hope this wasn't too much of a bore. Next time will be better, Promise!

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