Friday, February 11, 2011

The car is dead

Yes boys and girls the car has died. She made it to the shop yesterday but has a broken transmission seal. It will cost about 800 bucks to fix it, so a new car may be warranted, time will tell.

Now, lets get on to something better. Lets ponder some greatness. Today's topic, for anyone listening is a political one. Our subject is the effectiveness of VOTING! Now now...put down the pitchforks, lets not be hasty here. Some people get quite upset when we call into question the democratic system, but were all semi educated folks here, so lets consider it for a moment.

Does anyone else ever feel like no matter who gets elected, be it as prime minister or president or local official that nothing ever really changes? I mean, yes...things change..but does anything ever really change in the big picture? Sure some funds get switched around, more or less military budget from one year to the next, a little extra funding to one place or another, but in the big picture! what has really changed in the last ten years say for example. Lets see...The USA still runs off to war against whoever happens to be willing.. Canada follows along and usually remains to pick up the pieces once its all over. There are still thousands of starving and homeless people in our major citys, we're consuming fossil fuels at an alarming rate, farmers cant make a living (except dairy), we import more food to sell in local grocery stores than we do selling of our own local produce, taxes haven't changed much. I can go on and on.

We elect one official and he or she promises to change this or that, and maybe he/she does, but it is seldom more than a token gesture.

Tonight I leave you all with the question.. Does it matter who we elect to a position of office?
 Please anyone stopping by the blog, leave a comment, whats your opinion?

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